You can make a secure donation here

Tax deductions available, see note below.*

Internet Banking

Fill in the form below to give a one off donation or
set up your regular giving.

Step 1 of 2

*We are a NZ registered charity: SIM New Zealand is a registered charity with the NZ Charities Commission #CC28002. However, donations to our work overseas are NOT eligible for end of year tax credits. Incl: Donations to our mission partners and projects overseas. Donations to the work of SIM in NZ ARE eligible for end of year tax credits. Incl: Donations to staff, NZ based mission partners and general gifts.

Need to talk to someone?

Freephone 0508 4 SIM NZ

Where does the money go?

There is a need for financial support for every mission partner, in every country and in every ministry. Each mission partner seeks sponsorship to cover their needs, which are assessed annually. Each project is costed out prior to commencement.

What happens next?

Once this form is completed you will then receive an email with the information you need to commence your support payments. Alternatively, you can give a direct one off donation using Paypal above.

Workers worldwide